CEC 208193 Safe use of bed levers
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Case reference FOI2024/00801
Received 11 December 2024
Published 17 January 2025
I refer to your National Safety Alert on bed rails and bed levers. As you rightly identify there are significant risks relating to the provision of these pieces of equipment. My understanding is there are 18 deaths over four years relating to bed levers and bed rails. These cases would have been heard at inquests which are open hearings that could be reported on. I want to review these cases as a learning exercise for our clinical team. Would you be able to provide me with the case report details so I can read the cases and understand how the equipment contributed to patient mortality. I used to work as a solicitor so I would understand the caselaw and how to apply it to clinical practice. We want to do our best for patients and understanding the risks identified by the inquest would help especially with bed levers where mortality seems less clear cut.
see atatched
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