FOI release
Modular Seating Systems for Disabled Children
Some or all of the information requested may not have been provided because we required clarification from the requester.
Case reference FOI2025/00001
Received 2 January 2025
Published 26 January 2025
Any documents (including email or other communications) in relation to safety incidents involving modular seating systems for disabled children including those manufactured by: (i) Schuchmann; (ii) Tendercare; (iii) Jenx; (iv) Rifton; (v) Leckey; (vi) Everday; (vii) Mygo; (viii) Squiggles; (ix) R82 by Etac; and (x) Liwcare. This should include (but not be limited to) communications between the MHRA and: (a) the manufacturers listed at (i) to (x); (b) UK local authorities; and/or (c) the NHS. To the extent such documents contain personal data or sensitive personal data of third parties please can these be provided with appropriate redactions to protect such information (and not withheld).
see attached
- Bugzi Wheelchair FSN (FSN-01-2023) MERU 18 December 2023.pdf (554.5 KB)
- FOI202500001 redacted for publication.pdf (108.2 KB)
- Ly-on FSN (FSN-016A) Jenx - 19th September 2024.pdf (334.8 KB)
- Ly-on FSN (FSN-016B) Jenx - 19 September 2024.pdf (341.6 KB)
- Supine 2 and Multistander 2 FSN (FSN-015A) Jenx 10 April 2024.pdf (395.6 KB)
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